Selasa, 23 Maret 2010
Minggu, 14 Maret 2010
A. Ubahlah pernyataan berikut dalam bentuk representasi logika proposisi dan predikat
1. Karjo adalah seorang laki-laki
2. Karjo adalah orang Jawa
3. Karjo lahir pada tahun 1840
4. Setiap laki-laki pasti akan mati
5. Semua orang Jawa mati pada saat Krakatau meletus tahun 1883
6. Setiap orang pasti mati setelah hidup lebih dari 150 tahun
7. Sekarang tahun 2010
8. Mati berarti tidak hidup
9. Jika seseorang mati, maka beberapa waktu kemudian dia pasti dianggap mati
B. Apakah Karjo masih hidup sekarang dengan metode Backward ?
1. Laki-laki(Karjo)
2. Jawa(Karjo)
3. Lahir(Karjo,1840)
4. ∀x : laki-laki(x) → pastimati(x)
5. Meletus(Krakatau, 1883) ∧ ∀x : [Jawa(x) → mati(x, 1883)
6. ∀x : ∀thn1 : ∀thn2 : pastimati(x) ∧ lahir(x, thn1) ∧ lahir(x, thn2) ∧ lebihdari(thn2 – thn1, 150) → mati(x, thn2)
7. Sekarang ≡ 2010
8. ∀x : ∀y : [mati(x,y) → ¬hidup(x,y) ] ∧ [¬hidup(x,y) → mati(x,y)]
9. ∀x : ∀thn1 : ∀thn2 : mati(x, thn1) ∧ lebihdari(thn2 – thn1) → mati(x, thn2)
Dari pernyataan diatas akan dibuktikan Karjo tidak hidup sekarang dengan penalaran backward : ¬hidup (karjo, sekarang)
¬hidup (karjo, sekarang)
↑ (8, subtitusi)
Mati(karjo, sekarang)
↑ (9, subtitusi)
Mati(karjo, thn1) ∧ lebihdari(sekarang, thn1)
↑ (5, subtitusi)
Jawa(Karjo) ∧ lebihdari(sekarang, 1883)
↑ (2)
Lebihdari(sekarang, 1883)
↑ (7, subtitusi)
Lebihdari(2010, 1883)
↑ (menghitung lebihdari)
Rabu, 03 Maret 2010
- The Armory Show, held in New York in 1913, was a important exhibition of modern European art.
- Ripe fruit is often stored in a place who contains much carbon dioxide so that the fruit will not decay too rapidly.
- In 1852 Massachusetts passed a law requiring all children from four to eighteen years of old to attend school.
- The main purpose of classifying animals is to show the most probable evolutionary relationship of the different species to each another.
- Matthew C Perry, a United States naval commander, gained fame not in war and through diplomacy.
- One of the most impressive collections of nineteenth-century European paintings in the United States can be found to the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
- Three of every four migrating water birds in North America visits the Gulf of Mexico's winter wetlands.
- Charleston, West Virginia, was named for Charles Clendenin, who son George acquired land at the junction of the Elk and Kanawha rivers in 1787.
- Financier Andrew Mellon donated most of his magnificent art collection to the National Galerry of Art, where it is now locating.
- Soil temperatures in Death Valley, California, near the Nevada border, have been known to reach 90 of degrees Celcius.
- When the Sun, Moon, and Earth are alignment and the Moon crosses the Earth's orbital plane, a solar eclipse occurs.
- Mary Cassatt's paintings of mothers and children are known for its fine linear rhythm, simple modelings, and harmonies of clear color.
- Plants synthesize carbohydrates from water and carbon dioxide with the aid of energy is derived from sunlight.
- The best American popular music balances a powerful of emotions of youth with tenderness, grace, and wit.
- In the nineteenth century, women used quilts to inscribe their responses to social, economics, and politics issues.
- Fossils in 500-million-year-old rocks demonstrate that life forms in the cambrian period were mostly marine animals capability of secreting calcium to from shells.
- Rainbows in the shape of complete circles are sometimes seen from airplanes because they are not cutting off by the horizon.
- Hot at the equator causes the air to expand, rise, and flow toward the poles.
- Although research has been on going since 1930, the existence of ESP-perception and communication without the use of sight, hear, taste, touch, or smell - is still disputed.
- As many as 50 percent of the income from motion pictures produced in the United States comes from marketing the films abroad.
- Sleep is controlled by the brain and associated by characteristic breathing rhythms.
- The walls around the city of Quebec, which was originally a fort millitary, still stand, making Quebec the only walled city in North America.
- The manufacture of authomobile was extremely expensive until assembly-line techniques made them cheaper to produce.
- The ballad is characterized by informal diction, by a narrative largely dependent on action and dialogue, by thematic intense, and by stress on repetition.
- Eleanor Roosevelt set the standard against which the wives of all United States Presidents since have evaluated.
the word that bold is the answer of the sentence !!!!
Selasa, 02 Maret 2010
Minggu, 10 Januari 2010
Kita menggunakan :
- too(juga) di akhir kalimat dan untuk kalimat positif
- so (begitu juga) di awal kalimat dan untuk kalimat positif
- Amin studies hard day and night and i do too.
- His shop was burnt down, and so was his car that was parked nearby.
- either (juga tidak) di akhir kalimat dan untuk kalimat negative
- neither (juga tidak) di awal kalimat dan untuk kalimat negative
- nor (juga tidak) di awal kalimat untuk kalimat negative
- I don't like horror films and Sandra doesn't either.
- I didn't come to the party last night because i was sick and neither did Rico.
- I'm not ready and nor is Tuty.
Rabu, 06 Januari 2010
Pronouns are small words that take the place of a noun. We can use a pronoun instead of a noun. Pronouns are words like: he, you, ours, themselves, some, each... If we didn't have pronouns, we would have to repeat a lot of nouns. We would have to say things like:- Do you like the president? I don't like the president. The president is too pompous.
- Do you like the president? I don't like him. He is too pompous.
Selasa, 05 Januari 2010
Modal Auxiliaries
The modal auxiliaries (or modals) include the following:can, could, may, might, must, should, will, would, . . .
Modals are always followed by the base form of a verb or auxiliary verb.
Modals are always the same form no matter what the subject is.
In standard American English, a predicate verb phrase cannot contain more than one modal.
He will be able to go.not correct
* He will can go.
How to Write the Perfect
Refusal or Rejection Letter
Refusal Letter
Imagine this scenario: you've been offered a desirable position and you've accepted it. Now it's time to write a Refusal Letter to any other companies that may have offered you employment. You should notify them as soon as possible so they can resume their employee search. It is a mark of professional courtesy to send a Refusal Letter.Here are some guidelines for your Refusal Letter:
- Say "Thank you." Graciously thank the employer for his/her time, interview(s), offer of employment, and any special considerations that may have given you during the hiring process.
- State your refusal clearly. Don't use a buffer to begin a negative message. Experienced employers can anticipate what's coming anyway. Be courteous, but get to the point quickly.
- Explain your reasons. The more specific the reason for refusal, the better. For example, tell the employer that you have accepted another offer because it more closely matches your educational degree, your career goals, your desired job location, etc.
- Close the letter courteously. Close the door on your relationship gently by ending on a note of goodwill. Who knows? You may be approaching this same employer for another job down the road.
Senin, 04 Januari 2010
Gerund after prepositions
1.My friend is good at playing volleyball.
2. She complains about bullying.
3. They are afraid of losing the match.
4. She doesn't feel like working on the computer.
5. We are looking forward to going out at the weekend.
6. Laura dreams of living on a small island.
7. Andrew apologized for being late.
8. Do you agree with staying in a foreign country?
9. The girls insisted on going out with Kerry.
10.Edward thinks of climbing trees this afternoon.
Minggu, 03 Januari 2010
it should always be related to the job. Remember, although the employer is asking personal questions, they are still all related to "what can you bring to the company?" So, I usually give adjectives like reliable, loyal, etc., but make sure you back these with supporting examples. The most important thing is to make sure you boil it all down to presenting the answer in a way that it matches the things the employer is looking for.
Here is more advice :
• Think about what kind of person you would like working for you and convey that to the employer. The best advice I can give to a job seeker is first aim high, well as high as you are capable of and realize the more you are willing to learn through experience or school is valuable. See yourself as a commodity. Be honest about your capabilities, if you don't know how to do something, say you don't know but let the employer know you are capable of learning and even give an example of something else you learned to do, maybe at another job or even a hobby. Most jobs will have to train you to their way and processes so don't undermine your capability and be proud of your accomplishments in life because they will only bring you up.
Electronic mail, often abbreviated as email, e.mail or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages. E-mail systems are based on a store-and-forward model in which e-mail computer server systems accept, forward, deliver and store messages on behalf of users, who only need to connect to the e-mail infrastructure, typically an e-mail server, with a network-enabled device (e.g., a personal computer) for the duration of message submission or retrieval. Originally, e-mail was always transmitted directly from one user's device to another's; nowadays this is rarely the case.
An electronic mail message consists of two components, the message header, and the message body, which is the email's content. The message header contains control information, including, minimally, an originator's email address and one or more recipient addresses. Usually additional information is added, such as a subject header field.
Letter of Inquiry
A letter of inquiry is a general term used for a number of different kinds of business letters addressed to a company. For example, applicants usually send a letter of inquiry, with an enclosed résumé (CV), to an employer for whom they would like to work. Companies send a letter of inquiry to their business partner when they need information about the goods they'd like to order. A letter of inquiry is usually short and to the point, containing only the request and a short introduction with an address, phone number or e-mail address from the sender's side.
General Format
Business letters (in the United States) usually contain the following elements, in order:
• Sender's address & contact information.
• Date of writing.
• Subject.
• Recipient's name, title, company, & address.
• Salutation/greeting.
• Message (body of the letter).
• Valediction/closing.
• Sender's signature.
• Sender's name, title, company.
Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010
Thursday, 31
1. If you don't register before the last day of regular registration, you would
pay a late fee.
* Answer : A, the correct answer is didn't register.
2. Basal body of temperature refer to the lowest temperature of a healthy
individual during waiting hours.
* Answer : A, the correct answer is refers.
3. If your friends came to visit, will they stay in a hotel or at your house ?
* Answer : B, the correct answer is would.
4. Our friends might stopped to see us on their way to California.
* Answer : A, the correct answer is stop.
5. Water boil at 212'F, and freezes at 32' F.
* Answer : B, the correct answer is boils.
6. Many birds will, in the normal course of their migrations, flies more than
three thousand miles to reach their winter homes.
* Answer : B, the correct answer is fly.
7. The sheepdog is chased after the sheep which is heading over the hill.
* Answer : A, the correct answer is chasing.
8. Before the report is finalized the information in their notes and our must
be proofed.
* Answer : C, the correct answer is ours.
9. I really miss to be with my close friends in my country.
* Answer : B, the correct answer is being.
10. We have been hoping going to Mecca for many years.
* Answer : D, the correct answer is go.
11. Kayla ask Safira forget to give presentations of their projects yesterday.
* Answer : A, the correct answer is forgot.
12. Gina have given contribition to the developmnet of Islam many times.
* Answer : A, the correct answer is has.
13. Every morning fairuz begin learning to walk.
* Answer : B, the correct answer is begins.
Jumat, 01 Januari 2010
Daftar Otomatis Ke Seluruh Search Engine Google | SEO BLOGGER
0 komentar Diposting oleh Mega di 08.49Daftar Otomatis Ke Seluruh Search Engine Google | SEO BLOGGER
if u have added ur acount in blogger so ur account in blogger will automatically register at search engine google.
Ini adalah daftar smiley, emotion atau emoticon facebook :
Angel | O:) atau O:-) |
Confused | o.O atau O.o |
Cry | :’( |
Curly Lips | :3 |
Devil | 3:) atau 3:-) |
Sad | :-( atau :( atau :[ atau =( |
Gasp | :-O atau :O atau :-o atau :o |
Glasses | 8-) atau 8) atau B-) atau B) |
Grin | :-D atau :D atau =D |
Grumpy | >:( atau >:-( |
Heart | <3 |
Kiki | ^_^ |
Kiss | :-* atau :* |
Pacman | :v |
Smile | :-) atau :) atau :] atau =) |
Squint | -_- |
Sunglasses | 8-| atau 8| atau B-| atau B| |
Tongue | :-P atau :P atau :-p atau :p atau =P |
Unsure | :/ atau :-/ atau :\ atau :-\ |
Upset | >:O atau >:-O atau >:o atau >:-o |
Wink | ;-) atau ;) |
Putnam | :putnam: |
Robot | :|] |
Shark | (^^^) |
( Sumber : )
Memo merupakan pesan ringkas, yakni pesan yang ditulis seseorang dengan singkat, jelas, dan mudah untuk dipahami. Menurut pemakaiannya, memo ada yang bersifat resmi dan bersifat pribadi (tidak resmi). Memo bersifat resmi dipakai sebagai surat pernyataan dalam hubungan resmi dari seorang pimpinan kepada bawahannya. Memo bersifat pribadi dipakai sebagai nota atau surat pernyataan tidak resmi antar teman, saudara, atau orang lain yang memiliki hubungan akrab.
1. Surat khusus yang dibuat khusus untuk keperluan dalam kantor atau organisasi
2. Dilihat dari peredarannya, sebuah kantor atau organisasi dapat menyampikan memo secara horizontal maupun secara vertikal
3. Penyampian secara horizotal merupakan penyampian memo kepada pihak yang memiliki jabatan satara
4. Penyampian secara vertikal merupakan penyampaian memo dari atasan kepada bawahan atau sebaliknya untuk mengingatkan atau memerintahkan sesuatu
5. Merupakan bentuk komunikasi yang berisi saran, arahan, atau penerangan mengenai sesuatu hal
6. Memiliki bagian surat yang lebih sederhana dibandingkan dengan surat resmi pada umumnya, terutama dalam isi surat.
7. Karena pedarannya yang terbatas, memo biasanya tidak mencantumkan identitas kantor, seperti nama kantor, nomor telepon, faksimili, dan kode pos, secara lengkap.
Ciri-ciri bentuk memo
Bentuk memo terdiri atas dua bagian:
• Kepala Memo
o Penerima
o Pengirim
o Perihal dan tanggal pengimin
o Paraf dan nama terang pengirim
• Isi, penulis langsung menyampikan pesan atau perintah dalam kalimat pendek dan lugas.