Minggu, 20 Desember 2009


Use of prepositions

Prepositions are used in three ways:
(1)   Compounded with verbs, adverbs, or conjunctions; as, for example, with verbs, withdraw, understand, overlook, overtake, overflow, undergo, outstay, outnumber, overrun, overgrow, etc.; with adverbs, thereat, therein, therefrom, thereby, therewith, etc.; with conjunctions, whereat, wherein, whereon, wherethrough, whereupon, etc.

    (2) Following a verb, and being really a part of the verb. This use needs to be watched closely, to see whether the preposition belongs to the verb or has a separate prepositional function. For example, in the sentences, (a) "He broke a pane from the window," (b) "He broke into the bank," in (a), the verb broke is a predicate, modified by the phrase introduced by from; in (b), the predicate is not broke, modified by into the bank, but broke into—the object, bank.
Study carefully the following prepositions with verbs:—
Considering the space they took up.—Swift.
I loved, laughed at, and pitied him.—Goldsmith.
The sun breaks through the darkest clouds.—Shakespeare.
They will root up the whole ground.—Swift.
A friend prevailed upon one of the interpreters.—Addison
My uncle approved of it.—Franklin.
The robber who broke into them.—Landor.
This period is not obscurely hinted at.—Lamb.
The judge winked at the iniquity of the decision.—Id.
The pupils' voices, conning over their lessons.—Irving.
To help out his maintenance.—Id.
With such pomp is Merry Christmas ushered in.—Longfellow.

Simple Future Tense

I will sing

The simple future tense is often called will, because we make the simple future tense with the modal auxiliary will.

How do we make the Simple Future Tense?

The structure of the simple future tense is:

auxiliary verb WILL
main verb



For negative sentences in the simple future tense, we insert not between the auxiliary verb and main verb. For question sentences, we exchange the subject and auxiliary verb. Look at these example sentences with the simple future tense:

auxiliary verb
main verb


the door.

before me.
at school tomorrow.

on time?


When we use the simple future tense in speaking, we often contract the subject and auxiliary verb:

I will
you will
he will
she will
it will
we will
they will
For negative sentences in the simple future tense, we contract with won't, like this:

I will not
I won't
you will not
you won't
he will not
she will not
it will not
he won't
she won't
it won't
we will not
we won't
they will not
they won't

Rabu, 16 Desember 2009


The subject is the agent of the sentence in the active voice, subject is the person or thing that does the action of the sentence and subject normally precedes the verb.
Note :  Every sentece in English must have a Subject
Example : Coffee is delicious
                Milk contains calcium
The subject may be a noun phrase. A noun phrase is a group of words ending with a noun. (it can't begin with a preposition).
Example : The book is on the table
                That new red car is John's
In some sentence there is not true subject. However it and there can often act as pseudo-subjects and should be considered as subjects.
Example : It is a nice day today
               There was a fire in that bilding last month

The verb follows the subject, it generally shows the action of the sentence.
Note : Every sentence must have a verb
Example : John drives too fast
                They hate spinach
The verb maybe a verb phrase. A verb phrase consists of one or more auxiliaries and one main verb. The auxiliaries always precede the main verb.
Example : John is going to Miami tomorrow
               (auxiliary is; main verb going)
               Jane has been reading that book
               (auxiliary has, been; main verb reading)

Rabu, 11 November 2009

X.25 Protocol

X.25 adalah protocol yang mendefinisikan bagaimana computer (device) pada jaringan public yang berbeda platform bisa saling berkomunikasi. Protocol yang sudah distandarisasi oleh International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T).

Gambar 1 mengilustrasikan sebuah network X.25
Gambar 1. Paket Switching dari Jaringan X.25
Sumber: http://www.sangoma.com/x25.htm

Device pada X.25 ini terbagi menjadi tiga kategori:

  • Data Terminal Equipment (DTE),Data Circuit-terminating Equipment (DCE) serta•Packet Switching Exchange (PSE).
  • Device yang digolongkan DTE adalah end-system seperti terminal, PC, host jaringan (user device).
  • Sedang device DCE adalah device komunikasiseperti modem dan switch. Device inilah yang menyediakanbagikomunikasiantara DTE dan PSE. Adapun PSE ialah switch yang yangmenyusunsebagianbesar carrier network.
Hubungan antar ketiga kategori ini diilustrasikan pada gambar di bawah ini :

Gambar 2. Hubungan DTE-DCE dan PSE
Sumber: www.cisco.com

Frame Relay

FRS merupakan data-only service. Service ini hanya diperuntukkan bursty data traffic, dan tidak menyediakan fasilitas untuk time-sensitive real-time traffic seperti video atau suara. Dua term penting yang perlu diketahui consumer adalah committed information rate (CIR), yaitu jaminan data rata-rata yang dikontrak, dan committed burst size (CBS, juga dinotasikan dengan Bc), jumlah bit maksimum yang dapat ditransfer selama interval waktu T. Relasi antara besaran-besaran tersebut
T = Bc / CIR

Sebagai contoh, CIR 128 kbps dan CBS 512 kilobits, T adalah 512 dibagi 128 yaitu 4 detik. Ini berarti jaringan dijamin untuk transfer data 512 kilobit pada selang waktu 4 detik . Ketika membeli FRS, diperlukan seleksi hati-hati pada harga CIR dan CBS yang menghasilkan harga T cukup besar untuk meng-cover kondisi burst terburuk. Bagaimanapun, faktor lain masuk kepada persamaan di atas, memperbolehkan transfer data melebihi CBS. Faktor tersebut ialah excess burst size (EBS, juga dinotasikan dengan Be). Jika terjadi congestion pada jaringan, consumer dijamin mendapatkan performansi sesuai dengan CIR dan CBS yang dipesan. Jika pada jaringan tidak terjadi congestion, consumer dapat melakukan transfer data hingga Bc + Be bytes per detik. Pada contoh di atas, dengan CBS 512 kbps dan EBS 256 kb, diperbolehkan transfer data 768 kb ketika jaringan tidak congested.

Senin, 09 November 2009

  • Jaringan Wireless
Teknologi wireless merupakan peralatan untuk berkomunikasi tanpa koneksi fisik. Pada teknologi wireless ini menggunakan transmisi frekwensi radio sebagai alat untuk mengirimkan datanya.
Jaringan wireless merupakan jaringan tanpa kabel yang menggunakan gelombang radio sebagai media transmisi data. Pengelompokkan jaringan wireless berdasarkan jaringannya ada 3 macam, yaitu : Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN), WLAN, dan Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN).

Komunikasi merupakan bagian yang tak dapat dipisahkan dalam kehidupan manusia. Karena berkembangnya teknologi telekomunikasi yang semakin pesat, tersedianya jaringan broadband yang mampu membawa data dalam jumlah besar, dikembangkan bentuk komunikasi yang baru, yaitu koneksi telepon melalui internet (Voice over IP atau VoIP) serta video conference, yang memungkinkan user komputer untuk melakukan pertemuan dari tempat yang berbeda. VoIP memungkinkan user komputer untuk seolah-olah menelepon user yang lain, sementara dengan video conference, user komputer dapat melihat wajah serta mendengarkan suara dari user yang lain, sehingga seolah-olah komunikasi berlangsung secara tatap muka.

Past Perfect Tense

The past perfect expresses an activity that was activity or time in the past. If either before or after is used in the sentence, the past perfect is often not necessary because the time relationship is already clear.

.:S + had + V3 + O:.

The Past perfect is used to indicate

  • An action that happend before another action in the past,There usually are two actions in the sentence
. John had gone to the store before he went home
. John told us yesterday, that he had visited england in 1970

S + had + V3 + before + S + V2

. John went home after he had gone to the store

S + V2 + after + S + had + V3

. Before John went home, he had gone to the store

Before + S + V2 + S + had + V3

.After John had gone to the store, he went home.

After + S + had + V3 + S + V2

Another and Other

With count nouns :
an + other + singular noun (one more)

  • another pencil -> one more pencil
the + other + singular nouns (last of the set)

  • the other pencil -> the last pencil present
other + plural noun (more of the set)

  • other pencil -> some more pencil
the other + plural noun (the rest of the set)

  • the other pencil -> all remaining pencil
With non count nouns :
other + noun . count nouns (more of the set)

  • other water -> some more water
the other + noun . count nouns (all the rest)

  • the other water -> the remaining water


Determiners are words placed in front of a noun to make it clear what the noun refers to. The word 'people' by itself is a general reference to some group of human beings. If someone says 'these people', we know which group they are talking about, and if they say 'a lot of people' we know how big the group is.

Classes of Determiners
There are several classes of determiners:

The simple present says that something was true in the past, is true in the present, and will be true in the future. It is used for general statements of fact.
The simple present is used to express habitual or everyday activity, may indicate a situation that exists right now, at the moment of speaking.

The present progressive expresses an activity that is in progress at the moment of speaking. It begans in the recent past, is continuing at present, and will probably end at some point in the future. Often activity is of a general nature : something generally in progress this week, this month, this year.

The simple past indicates that an activity or situation began and ended at a particular time in the past.
If a sentence contains when and has the simple past in both clauses, the action in the "when clause" happen first.
Example :
(a) I walked to school yesterday
(b) He lived in Paris for ten years, but now he is living on Rome
(c) When I dropped my cup, the coffee spilled my lap
(d) I stood under a tree when it began to rain
